Friday, August 10, 2012

Reading: Not Just For Boys

I've mentioned before that I have a writing blog, yes?

Generally, my intention is to keep the two separate, but I wanted to link to my most recent post over there. It's my analysis/reaction to an article about the lower number of teen boys reading as compared to girls.

I posted it on Coffee Quill because I found myself responding to it as a writer, rather than an editor.

As an editor, however, let it be known I am looking for any story that is interesting and written well, and if it geared towards teens, I don't mind whether it's "for" girls or boys, as long as it is good and get people to read. That said, a story that appeals to both is even better.

My original post: "Demystifying Books"

And another article that poses a few good questions about this same topic: "How can we get boys to read?"

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