Cross-posted on my CoffeeQuill blog.
I usually try to come up with resolutions when the new year rolls
around, but the more I think about it for 2014, the more it seems like a
futile endeavor. My resolutions always end up the same: write more,
read more, edit this or that, send out queries, focus on my health and
try to lose some weight, build better habits and try to get closer to
some of my life goals.
All very general in recent
years, because the years would pass by without nothing achieved (or not
enough) when I had more specific resolutions.
This year, I am not going to worry about resolutions, promises to myself to do X or Y.
year end, I have spent New Year's Eve day spending time with my aunt,
watching "Frozen" with my mother, crafting a gift, listening to music,
talking with friends online, and shortly, a bit of writing on a story I
began earlier in the year.
Tomorrow, I will spend more time with family, rest and relax, grade, and edit.
want 2014 to reflect these two days, full of obligations and enjoyment,
and balancing between the two. A year where I have time to rest, but
also to have fun, and to get projects done that are just for me, as well
as complete projects with and for others.
Happy New Year, and happy writing.
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